Inability to see 3D
Stereopsis is the perception of depth attained from the successful merging of the two slightly different pictures seen from each eye into one 3-dimensional image in the brain. Uncomfortable symptoms from watching 3D media can often uncover vision problems and open the door to successful treatment.
What 3D MOVIES can tell you about your VISION.
More simply put, in order to see in 3-D both eyes must be working together simultaneously as a coordinated team. Anyone who is having a less than ideal experience viewing 3-D movies, likely has some sort of functional vision problem. Common symptoms include headaches, dizziness, motion sickness, eyestrain, visual fatigue, or overall avoidance of this heightened form of visual stimulation. If you or someone you know experiences any of these frustrations, contact us so we can screen for this treatable vision dysfunction.
Book An Evaluation
Contact us now to learn how you can book a vision evaluation and get started on your journey towards optimal vision.